Money Worries and Tips from Jesus - Matthew 6:31-33
Jess Carey Jess Carey

Money Worries and Tips from Jesus - Matthew 6:31-33

Worrying about money is common whether we have plenty or little. Let me ask you, Have you ever worried about having enough to pay a bill? Or knowing how you were going to feed your family? Or perhaps your money concerns relate to the pursuit of a God-dream. Anxiety about finances can cause some serious issues with confidence. It can cause us to shy away from pursuing the goals and dreams that God has placed in our hearts. It can cause us to lower our moral standards to get money. After all, it has driven people to lie, steal, and cheat in desperation. Today’s verse is straight from the words of Jesus himself and speaks directly to our faith in the area of finances.

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Facing Trials with Confidence and Purpose - James 1:2-4
Jess Carey Jess Carey

Facing Trials with Confidence and Purpose - James 1:2-4

When we face tough stuff, our faith can waiver, and we can begin to lose confidence in God. So what can we do when we face trials and suffering? Like when we lose a job, separate from our spouse, have an extremely difficult child, or have more severe trials like going bankrupt, or losing a loved one. Our focus passage today challenges us and gives us hope that these circumstances have a purpose.

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Body Confidence: God Created You Uniquely and Beautifully - Psalm 139:13-14
Jess Carey Jess Carey

Body Confidence: God Created You Uniquely and Beautifully - Psalm 139:13-14

Today we are continuing our focus on confidence and specifically talking about body confidence. There’s a difference between what is being shown as the ideal and what is the realistic average. Beauty standards continually change. Regardless of the reasons, it is a never-ending moving target meant to manipulate our trust and acceptance of God’s unique design of our physical being. Body shame is as old as Adam and Eve.

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God Wants You To Be Confident - Jeremiah 17:7-8
Jess Carey Jess Carey

God Wants You To Be Confident - Jeremiah 17:7-8

Do you consider yourself to be a self-confident person? What about a God-confident person? Is there a difference, or should there be? Over the next few weeks, we will unpack different aspects of confidence. The truth is that there is a huge difference between confident people and insecure people. In today's episode, we are going to discuss what attributes a confident person has vs an insecure person. We will also dig a little deeper into Jeremiah 17:7-8

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